Month: November 2014

Week 7

I think there my be more shedding of the transplant hairs, bring on month 3 when it goes again. The best thing I’ve noticed so far is that I think about hair loss about 50% less than I used to. Woo. For example I’m going to South America for Christmas and new year, booked all my tickets which I would not have done 5 months ago.


6 week update

Very very little to report, pretty much nothing has happened in the last few weeks. I think I have stopped I shedding now so the hairs I have will be growing. However I have noticed that of the 50% hairs I have remaining! maybe 25% are growing. It doesn’t concern me however as nothing is meant to happen until he 3 month mark really so il just be patient. I can’t believe I’m half way to that mark already, it’s crazy how fast it has gone. I’m so glad that I kept my hair long on top, I have not nor will go throug the dreaded ugly duckling phase and my hair looks pretty much as it did two months ago, apart from the small fact that I have a new hairline growing in.

the odd thing is I have zero redness, it’s really odd, I kept looking at my day zero pictures for an accurate representation of what my hair will look like as some of the hairs have shed and have not left any mark to suggest that they were there to begin with. I’m glad the healing has been so good
